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1 HR Carbon Monoxide | Time series graph for the past 5 day Underhill |
1 HR Nitrogen Dioxide | Time series graph for the past 5 day Underhill |
1 HR Ozone | Time series graph for the past 5 days; Bennington, Rutland and Underhill |
1 HR Particulate Matter (PM10) | Time series graph of 1-hour averages for the past 5 days (non-FEM) |
1 HR Particulate Matter (PM2.5) | Time series graph of 1-hour averages for the past 5 days. |
1 HR Precipitation | Time series graph of 1-hour averages for the past 5 days. |
1 HR Sulfur Dioxide | Time series graph for the past 14 days; Rutland and Underhill |
Bennington Criteria Pollutants | Time series graph of 1-hour averages for (O3, & PM2.5) the past 5 days. |
Bennington MET Report | Table of 1-hour averages of meteorological parameters for the past 5 days. |
Rutland Criteria Pollutants | Time series graph of 1-hour averages for (SO2, & PM2.5) the past 5 days. |
Rutland MET Report | Table of 1-hour averages of meteorological parameters (Barometric pressure, Solar Radation, Relative Humidity and Precipation) for the past 5 days. |
Underhill Criteria Pollutants | 1-hour averages for (CO, NOY-NO, SO2, O3 & PM2.5) the past 5 days. |
Underhill MET Report | Table of 1-hour averages of meteorological parameters for the (Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure and Precipation) past 5 days. |
Wind Rose - Bennington | Scalar wind rose for the past 14 days (WS/WD) |
Wind Rose - Rutland (Temporarily out of service) | Scalar wind rose for the past 14 days (WS/WD) |
Wind Rose - Underhill (Temporarily out of service) | Scalar wind rose for the past 14 days (WS/WD) |